A worm dissection involves the systematic exploration and examination of the internal anatomy of a worm, typically an annelid like the earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris).
Worm dissections provide students with hands-on experience in invertebrate anatomy and physiology, allowing them to explore the internal structures and functions of a simple organism and gain a deeper understanding of biological concepts. These dissections are often integrated into biology curricula to reinforce concepts related to anatomy, adaptation, and ecological relationships in terrestrial ecosystems.
Once open, you can rotate these between classes. They will slowly dry out once removed from the original package. (1-2 weeks).
Discard with regular trash.----------------------------------------------------------
Our preserved specimens are prepared in the United States.
Enclosed in a bag with a non-toxic holding solution. (Not Formaldehyde).
The specimens are originally preserved in formaldehyde, then rinsed and stored in Nebanol. This is a non-toxic storage solution. It is safe to dispose of the specimens in your normal household/business trash disposal.
1. Fluid in the bag is normal and OK.
2. Store at room temperature in the original sealed bag for 6- 9 months.
3. Do not store with food items!
4. Do not add water to the specimen bag, it will cloud the solution and allow bacteria growth.
5. You can use Isopropyl alcohol if you need a rewetting solution or short-term storage solution.
6. Always wear appropriate safety glasses and disposable gloves while handling the specimens.
7. Open the bag when you are prepared to complete the dissection.
8. If your dissection will take several days, we recommend covering and sealing the specimen with plastic wrap or a plastic zip-top bag between sessions to preserve the moisture. (Use 70% Isopropyl Alcohol if needed to prevent drying out)
9. After the dissection, dispose of the specimen, fluid and any disposable items in your normal trash disposal.
10. Wash any non-disposable items with hot soapy water and dry before storing.
11. Disinfect the workstation with hot soapy water or disinfectant spray.